Caller Datenaustausch API




This export works incrementally. With each call, all new orders received since the last orders received since the last successful order export are exported.

Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_bestellungen
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
get_orders_out.xml Shop ERP Export file in XML format
get_orders_err.xml Shop ERP Status file error
get_orders_tmp.xml Shop Shop Temporary output file

The structure of the export file is described in the document ‘xml_spezifikation_bestellung.pdf’.


Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_bestellungen_ab&datetime_ab=argument1
Arguments: argument1 Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) from which the data is exported
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
get_orders_ab_out.xml Shop ERP Export file in XML format
get_orders_ab_err.xml Shop ERP Status file error
get_orders_ab_tmp.xml Shop Shop Temporary output file

The structure of the export file is described in the document ‘xml_spezifikation_bestellung.pdf’.



Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_artikel
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
set_article_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_article_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_article_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_article_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remark
Article no. varchar(255) [1]
Name varchar(255)
Price double
Special offer price double
Action from datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss)
Action until datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss)
Active from datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss) Activation of article visibility
Active until datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss)
Weight double
Link varchar(255) Link to more information
VAT rate double optional
Description of the text
Brief description text
Large image varchar(255) File name large image
Small picture varchar(255) File name small picture
Maximum order quantity double
Minimum order quantity double
Minimum storage quantity double
Stock int(11) Delivery only possible with a warehouse
Available in varchar(255) Specification in main shop language
Storage behaviour enum(‘always_orderable’,‘reorderable’,‘not_reorder’) -> available without restrictions-> can be reordered-> will not be reordered
Quantity Unit varchar(255) e.g. piece
Number of decimal places int(11) 0 -> order quantity whole number1 -> order quantity x.x2 -> order quantity x.xx
Display quantity enum(‘Dropdown’,‘Input field’) -> Select number as dropdown-> Enter number in text field
Number of drop-down values varchar(255) Special preparation! (e.g. 1-10;20;50;100)
Delivery unit double Articles can only be ordered in these quantities can be ordered. Ex: 20 => 20,40,60,80 and not 21, ..
Grouping varchar(255) Grouping in the virtual third category level
Grouping-opt varchar(255) Grouping as an optional item
Graduated price from 1 double From quantity for first price scale
Scale price 1 double Price/unit first price scale
Graduated price from 2..n double From quantity for nth price scale
Graduated price 2..n double Price/unit n-th price scale
Additional field 1 varchar(255) Freely usable additional fields
Additional field 2..10 varchar(255) Freely usable additional fields
Internal notes text
Category no varchar(255) External category no. (from ERP) for assignment species -> cat, commaseparated, if several cats per Article.
Promotion enum(‘true’, ‘false’) Promotions management
Search prioritisation int(11) Small value = high priority
File name-virtual varchar(255) Virtual file name for search engines
Parent article no. varchar(255) Article no. of the parent article,empty for main articles
Grouping-parent varchar(255) Grouping as a sub-article
Article Position int(11) Position of the article within the category or the parent-article (smallest value for top)
Position Opt int(11) Position of the article as Option article
Article discount group varchar(255) Discount group of the article
Manufacturer article no. varchar(255) Article no. from manufacturer[2]
Article code varchar(255) standardised code (z.B. EAN/ISBN) [2]
Manufacturer No varchar(255) Manufacturer no. according to set_manufacturer [2]
Base price unit e.g. 1kg/100g/1m
Base price factor Multiplier base price Unit/weight
Account assignment group no. varchar(255) External account assignment group no. [7]
E-Content subscription time int(11) Time window for download in Seconds [6]
E-Content Downloads int(11) Maximum number of downloads perPurchase [6]
E-Content file varchar(255) Download file [6]
Foreign language columns..
fr_Name varchar(255) Language-dependent article attributes(optional). The column name is always from the language prefix (e.g. ‘fr_’) and the original-Column names assembled.
fr_description text
fr_Short description Brief description
fr_article_details Item details
fr_grouping varchar(255)
fr_grouping-opt varchar(255)
fr_grouping-parent varchar(255)
fr_filename-virtual varchar(255)
Special columns..
Item details text Unused additional text
Master article enum(‘true’, ‘false’) Master-slave control for shop-Synchronisation
Additional field_text varchar(255) Shop-internal for text input fields
Additional field_param varchar(255) Shop-internal for text input fields
Additional_field_title varchar(255) Shop-internal for text input fields
Dealer price varchar(255) Unused additional field
Bearing {bearing number} Int(11) New stock at Multi-bearing


Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_artikel
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
get_article_out.csv Shop ERP Export file in CSV format
get_article_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
get_article_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary output file

Structure export file like ‘set_artikel’.


Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_article_ab&datetime_ab=argument1
Arguments: argument1 Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) from which the data is exported
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
get_article_ab_out.csv Shop ERP Export file in CSV format
get_article_ab_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
get_article_ab_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary output file

Structure export file like ‘set_artikel’.


When importing ‘set_artikel_inkrementell’, articles that are not contained in the import file are not deleted after a successful import. are not deleted after a successful import. This also means that only a few attributes of some articles can be updated. It is not possible to assign articles to categories.

Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_article_incremental
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
set_article_incremental_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_article_incremental_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_article_incremental_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_article_incremental_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV-Spaltenname Datentyp Bemerkungen
CSV column name varchar(255) [1]
Name varchar(255)
…any other columns according to definition ‘set_article’ (without category no. and manufacturer no.)



Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_kategorien
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
set_categories_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_categories_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_categories_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_categories_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remark
Category no varchar(255) Category ID of ERP[1]
Parent category no. varchar(255) Parent category ID of ERP[1]
Position int(11) Position of the category in the tree
Name varchar(255) Category name[1]
Description of the text Category description
Show description enum(‘true’,‘false’) Switch cat description on/off
VAT rate double
Show category enum(‘true’,‘false’) Visibility of the category
Promotion category enum(‘true’,‘false’) Cat. contains promotional offers
Action category enum(‘true’,‘false’) Cat. contains special offers
Tab Text varchar(255) Category heading (in the tree)
Large image varchar(255) Category picture
Language varchar(255) Language of the category (de,en,..)If allocation to severalLanguages, comma separated
Additional field 1 varchar(255) Freely usable additional fields
Additional field 2..5 varchar(255) Freely usable additional fields
File name-virtual varchar(255) Virtual file name for Search engines
fr_name varchar(255) language-dependentCategory attributes (optional). The column name is always fromthe language prefix (e.g. ‘fr_’) and the original column name assembled.
fr_description text
fr_Tab Text varchar(255)
fr_filename-virtual varchar(255)


Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_kategorien
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
get_categories_out.csv Shop ERP Export file in CSV format
get_categories_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
get_categories_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary output file

Structure export file like ‘set_categories’.



Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_kunden
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
get_customers_out.csv Shop ERP Export file in CSV format
get_customer_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
get_customers_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary output file
CSV column name Data type Remark
Customer no. varchar(255) Is set in ERP[1]
Customer ID varchar(255) Internal ID of the shop (optional)
Login varchar(255)
Passwort varchar(255)
Salutation varchar(24)
First name varchar(128)
Surname varchar(128)
Company varchar(128)
Company UID varchar(64)
Company-MWST-No. varchar(64)
EORI no. Varchar(64)
Department varchar(128)
Street varchar(128)
House number varchar(128)
House number extension varchar(255)
P.O. Box varchar(16)
POSTCODE varchar(32)
Location varchar(128)
State varchar(255) State/Federal State/Canton
Country varchar(128)
Telephone varchar(32)
fax varchar(32)
Mobile phone varchar(32)
e-mail varchar(128)
Date of birth date(jjjj-mm-dd)
SSN varchar(255) Social security number/AHV no.
Registration date date(jjjj-mm-dd)
last order date(jjjj-mm-dd)
Description of the text Not visible to the customer
Account holder varchar(128) Bank debit account details
Bank name varchar(128)
SORT CODE varchar(128)
Account number varchar(128)
IBAN varchar(128)
BIC varchar(128)
Invoice delivery enum(‘true’,‘false’) Invoice delivery control
locked enum(‘true’,‘false’) Blocking the customer
Customer group int(11) numerical customer group
Language varchar(2) ISO-639-1 code, e.g. de
Debtor number varchar(255)
Accounts receivable price group varchar(255)
Accounts receivable discount group varchar(255)


Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_customer_ab&datetime_ab=argument1
Arguments: argument1 Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) from which the data is exported
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
get_customers_ab_out.csv Shop ERP Export file in CSV format
get_customers_ab_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
get_customers_ab_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary output file

Structure export file like ‘get_kunden’.


Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_kunden
Arguments: none
Exchange files
File name created deletes Remark
set_customers_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_customers_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_customer_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_customers_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP

Structure import file like ‘get_kunden’.

Deliver customer passwords to the shop

The customer password is delivered to the shop in plain text. During import, each data record is recognised, whether a plain text password or a password hash was supplied. Plain text passwords are used to a secure hash is created by the shop and stored in the web shop. If an empty string is supplied to the shop as a password, the shop leaves the existing password is retained. This means that password updates can be sent from the ERP to the shop by Only passwords that have been changed by the ERP are sent in the import.


This import can be used to combine two customer data records into one (duplicate cleansing). The customer with the customer no. ‘Customer no.’ is deleted, all his orders are assigned to the customer with the customer no. ‘Target customer no.’.

Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_customers_club
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
set_customers_clubs_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_customers_clubs_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_customers_clubs_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_customers_clubs_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remark
Customer no. varchar(255) Customer no. which is transferred…
Target customer no. varchar(255) ..for this customer no.

Delivery addresses


Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_lieferadressen
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
set_delivery_addresses_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_delivery_addresses_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_delivery_addresses_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_delivery_addresses_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Customer no. varchar(255) Is set in ERP[1]
Address no. varchar(255) eindeutige Adress-Nr[1]
Salutation varchar(24)
First name varchar(128)
Surname varchar(128)
Company varchar(128)
Company-UID varchar(64)
Company-MWST-No. varchar(64)
Department varchar(128)
Street varchar(128)
House number varchar(128)
P.O. Box varchar(16)
POSTCODE varchar(32)
Location varchar(128)
Country varchar(128)
Telephone varchar(32)
Fax varchar(32)
Mobile phone varchar(32)
E-Mail varchar(128)

Option article


Call off
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_optionsartikel
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
set_optionsarticle_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_optionsarticle_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_optionsarticle_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_optionsarticle_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Article no. varchar(255) Article no.[1]
Option article no. varchar(255) Article no. of option article[1]

Delivery status


Call off
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_lieferstatus
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remark
set_delivery_status_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_delivery_status_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_delivery_status_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_delivery_status_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Invoice no. varchar(255) Invoice number from the shop[1]
Order status char(4) Order status four-digit0001 -> open0002 -> received0010 -> in progress0020 -> dispatched0030 -> finalised, not paid0040 -> finalised
Tracking-ID int(11) Tracking ID of the Shipping company
Tracking-no. varchar(255) Tracking number of the shipment
Dispatch date date(jjjj-mm-dd) Dispatch date of the consignment
Partial delivery enum(‘true’,‘false’) Partial delivery
Order no. varchar(255) External order number from ERP
Additional information text Additional information for customers
paid enum(‘true’,‘false’) Order paid


set_manufacturer [2]

Call of
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_hersteller
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
set_manufacturer_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_manufacturer_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_manufacturer_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_manufacturer_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Manufacturer No varchar(255) Manufacturer no. of ERP
Name varchar(255) Name of the manufacturer
Description of the text Manufacturer description
Link to varchar(255) Link to the manufacturer
Picture varchar(255) File name Manufacturer logo
Additional field 1 varchar(255) Freely usable additional field 1
Additional field 2 varchar(255) Freely usable additional field 2
Additional field 3 varchar(255) Freely usable additional field 3

get_manufacturer [2]

Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_manufacturer
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
get_manufacturer_out.csv Shop ERP Export file in CSV format
get_manufacturer_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
get_manufacturer_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary output file

Structure export file like ‘set_manufacturer’.


set_vouchers [3]

This import enables the creation of vouchers in the shop. The ‘Discount type’ column is used to whether the price event is for a fixed amount or whether a percentage discount is granted on the item total. percentage discount is granted on the item total.

Call for
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_vouchers
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
set_vouchers_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_vouchers_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_vouchers_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_vouchers_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Campaign varchar(255) Campaign name
Voucher code varchar(255) Voucher code
Amount double Voucher amount or percentage
Discount type enum(‘Amount’,‘Per cent’) Definition of discount type
Minimum purchase double Redeemable from amount
Article no. varchar(255) Restriction of the voucher toonly one article (optional).
Valid until date(jjjj-mm-dd) Expiry date
Number of redemptions int(11) Maximum number of redemptions
Type enum(‘promotion’,‘credit’) promotion: Price reductioncredit note: Customer credit balance

get_vouchers [3]

Call of
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_vouchers
Arguments: none
Exchange files
File name created deletes Remarks
get_vouchers_out.csv Shop ERP Export file in CSV format
get_vouchers_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
get_vouchers_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary output file

Structure export file like ‘set_gutscheine’.

Customer credit (credits)

set_credits [4]

Set customer credit (requires ‘Credits’ module).

Call of
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_credits
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
set_credits_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_credits_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_credits_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_credits_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Customer no. varchar(255) Customer number
Amount double Customer credit

get_credits [4]

Read out customer credit (requires ‘Credits’ module).

Call of
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_credits
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
get_credits_ab_out.csv Shop ERP Export file in CSV format
get_credits_ab_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
get_credits_ab_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary output file

Structure export file like ‘set_credits’.

Pricing/debtor prices

set_debitorprices [5]

Call off
CLI call: php call_peppershop.php set_debitorprices
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_debitorprices
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
set_debtorprices_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_debtorprices_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_debtorprices_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_debtorprices_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Type of sale enum(‘Debtor’,‘Debtorpricegruppe’,‘All debtors’ [1]
Sales code varchar(255) Debtor number for sales type 'Debtor'Debtor price group forSales type ‘debtor price group’[1]-
Article no. varchar(255) [1]
Currency char(3) chf,usd,eur,..[1]
Minimum order quantity double
Price double [1]
Active from datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss) ..oder date(jjjj-mm-tt)
Active until datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss) ..oder date(jjjj-mm-tt)
Line discount allowed enum(‘true’, ‘false’)

set_linediscounts [5]

Call of
CLI call: php call_peppershop.php set_zeilenrabatte
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_linediscounts
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
set_linediscounts_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_linediscounts_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_linediscounts_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_linediscounts_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Type of sale enum(‘Debtor’,‘Debtordiscountgroup’,‘All debtors’) [1]
Sales code varchar(255) Customer number for sales typeDebtor'Debtordiscountgroup forSales type ‘Accounts receivable discount-group’ [1]
Type enum(‘Article’,‘Article discountgroup’) [1]
Code varchar(255) Article no. for type ‘Article’Articlediscountgroup for Art ‘Articlediscountgroup’1]
Currency char(3) Currency code chf,eur,usd,..blank for discounts regardless ofthe currency [1]
Minimum order quantity double
Line discount double Discount in % (0 bis 100)
Active from datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss) ..or date(jjjj-mm-tt)
Active until datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss) ..or date(jjjj-mm-tt)
Discount type varchar(255) freely usable

Account assignment groups for articles (account assignment groups)

set_assignmentgroups [7]

Set account assignmentgroups for articles (requires module ‘Account assignment’).

Call of
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_assignmentgroups
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
set_assignmentgroups_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_assignmentgroups_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_assignmentgroups_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_assignmentgroups_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Account assignment group no. varchar(255) Accountassignmentgroup-no [1]
Account assignment group double Name of the account assignment group

get_assignmentgroups [7]

Read out account assignment groups (requires module ‘account assignment groups’).

Call of
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_assignmentgroups
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
get_assignmentgroups_out.csv Shop ERP Export file in CSV format
get_assignmentgroups_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
get_assignmentgroups_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary output file

Structure export file like ‘set_accounting_groups’.

Serial numbers/warranty expiry

set_serialnumbers [8]

Set serial numbers and warranty expiry date for sold items (requires ‘Serial numbers’ module).

Call off
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_serialnumbers
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
set_serialnumbers_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_serialnumbers_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_serialnumbers_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_serialnumbers_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Article no. varchar(255) Article no. [1]
Order no. varchar(255) Invoice number of the order
Serialnumber varchar(255) Serialnumber of the device
End of guarantee date(jjjj-mm-dd) Warranty expiry date


set_warehouse [9]

Call of
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_warehouse
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
set_warehouse_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_warehouse_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_warehouse_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_warehouse_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Stock number varchar(255) Bearing number of the multi-bearing
Article no. varchar(255) Item number
Quantity int(11) Quantity of the article

get_warehouse [9]

Call of
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_warehouse
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
get_warehouse_out.csv Shop ERP Import file in CSV format
get_warehouse_err.csv Shop ERP Status file success
get_warehouse_tmp.csv Shop Shop Status file error



Call of
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=get_payments
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
get_payments_out.csv Shop ERP Export file in CSV format
get_payments_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
get_warehouse_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary output file
CSV column name Data type Remarks
UUID varchar(36) Payment-UUID
Invoice no. varchar(255) Invoice number of the order
Source enum(‘POS’, ‘SHOP’) Origin of payment
Payment method varchar(255) Payment method, Ex: VISA, Prepayment
Receive payment datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss) ..or date(jjjj-mm-tt)
Payment confirmed datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss) ..or date(jjjj-mm-tt)
Amount double Amount of the payment
Currency varchar(16) Currency of payment
Currency conversion factor double Currency conversion factor
Currency Rounding factor double Rounding factor of the currency
Creation time datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss) ..or date(jjjj-mm-tt)
Start of payment attempt datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss) ..or date(jjjj-mm-tt)
End of payment datetime(jjjj-mm-tt hh:mm:ss) ..or date(jjjj-mm-tt)
Success enum(‘Y’, ‘N’) Success status
Kind enum(‘BUY’, ‘CREDIT’, ‘REFUND’, ‘PARTIAL_PAYMENT’) Type of payment. There is a maximum of one instalment payment that always has cash_payment as the payment method
PSP-Provider varchar(255) Provider, Bsp: saferpay_json
PSP-Transaction-ID varchar(255) Transaction ID of the provider
PSP-Token varchar(255) Token of the provider
PSP Clearing Extra text Additional text of the PSP

Article features

In order for an article characteristic to be imported, the corresponding characteristic definition must first be created. This defines the data type (number, text, date, binary value) and the localisation for the characteristic. If a characteristic is localised, the characteristic is supplied for each language used in the shop (e.g. black, noir, black). Non-localised values are only supplied once for each article (e.g. 6 for a printer that prints 6 pages per minute). The common key between the characteristics and the characteristic definition are the two values ‘Group’ and ‘Label’. As of version 9.0 build 67, the mysql ‘LOCK TABLES’ privilege is required (if your shop is hosted by Glarotech, this is already taken into account).


HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_definitions_features_article
Arguments: none
Exchange files
File name created deletes Remarks
set_definitions_features_article_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_definitions_features_article_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_definitions_features_article_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_definitions_features_article_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Group varchar(128) Feature group (e.g. paper)[1]
Label varchar(128) Label feature[1]
Label representation varchar(255) Label for display in the shop
Data type enum(‘boolean’,‘int’,‘float’,‘varchar’,‘text’,‘timestamp’) Feature data type [1]boolean -> true/falseint -> Integerfloat -> Floating point numbervarchar -> Text up to 255 characterstext -> Text > 255 characterstimestamp-> yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
localised enum(‘true’, ‘false’) Multilingualism control [1]
Position int(11) Item number
Customer access enum(‘read’,‘write’,‘none’) Visibility for customers [2]read -> Read only (standard) none -> No accesswrite -> Reading and writing
Represent the customer enum(‘true’, ‘false’) Display feature on the customer side
Group representation varchar(255) Display feature groups
searchable enum(‘true’, ‘false’) Searchable by feature
variant property enum(‘true’, ‘false’) Required for the multi-variants. Has an article property for the variants
Number varchar(255) Feature number


For the respective languages e.g. ‘en_Group representation’ or ‘fr_Label representation’

Example import set_definitions_characteristics_article_inp.csv

Group Label Label representation Data type localised Position Customer access
Paper Colour Paper colour varchar true 1 read
Printer Duplex Duplex printing boolean false 2 read


Call of
HTTP call: https://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_features_article
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
set_features_article_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_features_article_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_features_article_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_features_article_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Article no. varchar(255) [1]
Group varchar(128) Feature group (e.g. paper)[1]
Label varchar(128) Feature Label[1]
Value varchar(255) Feature Content[1]
Language char(2) Language of the characteristic value
Reference varchar(255) Freely usable reference
Feature Language group no. varchar(255) Defines which localised Features belong together

Example import set_characteristics_article.csv

Article no. Group Label Value Language
1001 Paper Color rot de
1001 Paper Color red en
1002 Printer Duplex true
1003 Printer Duplex false


  • The language column can be left empty for language-independent features
  • Deliver features with binary values ‘true/false’
  • Localisation (translation) feature definitions
  • The feature definitions are localised directly in the shop via
  • Key column for the feature label: Label representation
  • Lead column for the feature group: Group
  • Localisation (translation) features:
  • The feature values are delivered localised.

Article Documents

This import is used to assign files (downloads) to articles. Linked files can be located on the file system of the shop server or on an external web server. An additional designation (label) can be optionally specified. Locally stored files must be located in the directory /shop/resources/downloads/ or any subdirectory thereof. or any subdirectory thereof. The path information refers to this directory so that so that only the file name needs to be specified for files located directly in this directory.


HTTP call: http://www.shopdomain.tld/shop/Admin/caller/caller_aufruf.php?do=set_article_documents
Arguments: none
Exchange files
Filename created deletes Remarks
set_article_documents_inp.csv ERP Shop Import file in CSV format
set_article_documents_ok.csv Shop ERP Status file success
set_article_documents_err.csv Shop ERP Status file error
set_article_documents_tmp.csv Shop Shop Temporary import file for the shop
? ERP ERP Temporary upload file for ERP
CSV column name Data type Remarks
Article no. varchar(255) [1]
Group varchar(128) Download group (e.g. manual)[1]
Label varchar(128) Label for display [2]
File varchar(255) Linked file [1]file.pdffolder/sub/file.pdf
Language char(2) Language of the characteristic value [2]


Article-No. Group Label Data Language
1001 Manual Quick guide quickguide.pdf
1001 Manual instructions.pdf
1001 Brochure https://www... de

Restrictions/special requirements

  • [1] Mandatory column, this data column must be delivered with the import!
  • [2] Requires the module ‘Manufacturer information on the article’
  • [3] Requires the ‘Vouchers’ module
  • [4] Requires the ‘Credits’ module
  • [5] Requires the ‘Accounts receivable pricing’ module
  • [6] Requires the ‘E-Content’ module
  • [7] Requires the ‘Account assignment’ module
  • [8] Requires the ‘Serial numbers’ module
  • [9] Requires the ‘Multi-warehouse’ module
  • [10] Mandatory column, this data column must be supplied with the import!
  • [11] Optional specification

Version History

Documentation of the adjustments in this document.

Vers Data Author Method Amendment
7.0.0 18.03.2019 gla set_/get_article Specification ‘Available in’ in main shop language
7.0.0 15.04.2019 hya set_/get_article Warehouse {warehouse number} field has been removed, see new imports/exports: set_/get_warehouse
8.0.0 11.03.2020 rbl set_/get_customers Date of birth, date of registration and last order in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
8.0.0 11.03.2020 fjo set_/get_article Delivery unit added

Further help

Do you need further support? PepperShop provides you with various options.

  • It often helps to click on the question mark icon in the top right-hand corner of the administration. Here you can get direct help on the topic in question.
  • Various answers can be found in the FAQ. These can also be accessed in the shop administration via Help&News -> Help archive. Or via our homepage
  • In the PepperShop Academy you can easily and conveniently find various free video tutorials.
  • We are also happy to help you by e-mail or telephone (CHF 185./h) or +41 71 923 08 58