Advanced Secure Mailer
With this add-on module, you can extend the PepperShop with the Swift e-mail subsystem. With this system, S/MIME signed e-mails can be sent with the main address of the shop. For this purpose, a corresponding e-mail SSL certificate is uploaded and configured (passphrase / intermediate certificates).
The customer can now verify the e-mails as they have a valid signature.
Install the module in the shop administration under Modules -> Module Administration.
You can now enter the data of your external mail server (SMTP) in the module.
In the second tab you will find the certificates, which you can optionally upload.
The uploaded files are stored in the secure administration area.
- Activation:* Activate or deactivate the module here. The module can only be activated when all preconditions have been met.
- Certificate: Upload the certificate in PEM format here.
- Private-Key: Enter the private key here (PEM format).
- Extra certificates: Enter the optional intermediate certificates here (PEM format)
- Password for Private-Key: Enter the passphrase here (optional)
- DKIM activation:* Should the DKIM private key be used if available?
- Password for Private Key: Enter the DKIM Private Key here. (file extension = “")
Further help
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- Often a click in the administration on the top right on the question mark icon helps. Here you can get direct help on the relevant topic.
- Various answers can be found in the FAQ. These can also be called up in the shop administration via Help&News -> Help archive. Or via our homepage
- At the PepperShop Academy you can find various free video tutorials.
- We are also available to you by email or phone (CHF 195./h) or +41 71 923 08 58