Allgemein Term Term (german) Explanation always in stock immer verfügbar A product is shown as always in stock / available cash discount Skonto Discount for fast payment category Kategorie Category / product category customer Kunde Description of a customer purchasing products or services in the system. customer address Kundenadresse Address of the customer, there is a billing address or optionally a different delivery address customer credit Kundenguthaben Customer credit balances, credits delivery address Lieferadresse Delivery address (if not available, then billing address) discount Rabatt A price reduction (e. »
Technical Terms
Artikelmerkmal Term Term (german) Explanation aktiv_von created erstellt Attribute creation date data source datenquelle data source language lang Language language group nr merkmal_lang_grp_nr Attribute language group ID product id artikel_id Article ID (system internally used only) product property id merkmal_nr Attribute ID property definition id merkmal_definition_id Attribute definition ID reference referenz Reference updated aktualisiert Attribute modification date value value Attribute Value Bestellungsposition Term Term (german) Explanation kontierungsinfogruppe_id accounting info buchungsinfo VARCHAR(255) Information for booking in connections, can be the booking type/booking account/etc. »