Datatrans REST Business



The PepperShop can be extended with the Datatrans REST Business module so that the Datatrans alias offer can be used in the PepperShop. The Datatrans REST Business connection requires PepperShop version 11 or higher and the corresponding contracts with the payment service provider Datatrans.

Application in the shop system / display

Configuration in the administration

Payment connections

You can make further settings in the Datatrans module.

Figure 1: Payment details

If you activate the payment details, your customers can save the selected payment method. If a customer pays with their Mastercard card, this is automatically displayed during the next order process.

If “Directly charge linked means of payment” is activated, existing means of payment will be charged directly, otherwise you will also be forwarded to Datatrans with existing means of payment.

Customer view

The shop customer can either link a means of payment in the customer account or during the ordering process.

Existing means of payment can also be deleted in the customer account.

Figure 2: Linking means of payment

As soon as the shop customer selects a credit card in the order process, the following screen is displayed:

Figure 3: Payment method

The shop customer sees credit cards that they have previously used for an order.

If an existing credit card is to be used to pay for the current order, the shop customer selects it and clicks on continue - the payment is then processed.

New credit cards can of course also be entered.

Contact details

Datatrans contact

Datatrans AG Kreuzbühlstr. 26 8008 Zurich Tel. +41 (0)44 256 81 91

Further help

Do you need further support? PepperShop provides you with various options.

  • It often helps to click on the question mark icon in the top right-hand corner of the administration. Here you can get direct help on the topic in question.
  • You can find various answers in the FAQ. These can also be accessed in the shop administration via Help&News -> Help archive. Or via our homepage
  • In the PepperShop Academy you can easily and conveniently find various free video tutorials.
  • We are also happy to help you by e-mail or telephone (CHF 195./h) or +41 71 923 08 58