Trusted Shops



The PepperShop E-Commerce System is Trusted Shops pre-certified. As a PepperShop operator, you benefit from the advantages of a pre-certified system, including price advantages.

To be able to use Trusted Shops together with your PepperShop, your shop must be at least version 5 build 64 or newer. Trusted Shops can be used from PepperShop Standard. Older shop versions can no longer meet all legal requirements. You did not need any additional modules for the implementation.

What does this document say?

These instructions describe the procedure to configure your shop as legally secure as possible. On contents of relevant documents, which you must provide as a shop operator (AGB, data security explanation, revocation instruction, imprint, …) is not dealt with in these instructions in detail. It is only described where to place these documents. The content of these documents1 will be checked during Trusted Shops certification by Trusted Shops.

DSGVO: Since 25 May 2018, the EU Data Protection Basic Regulation has applied to all online shops selling goods to EU citizens. In these instructions we assume that the DSGVO applies to the shop to be adapted. Swiss companies are not obliged to comply with the EU DSGVO in every case, a clarification as to whether the shop DSGVO is obligatory should be carried out before a live broadcast.

After the registration / confirmation of receipt

After you have registered with Trusted Shops, you will usually receive a confirmation of receipt by e-mail. It will give you a Trusted Shops ID and a link to generate the so called Trustbadge. This Trustbadge is a Trusted Shops logo which automatically adapts to the current certification status of the shop. It is recommended to display this in the shop already now.

Figure 2: Trusted Shops Trustbadge

To set up the Trustbadge, click on the link ‘Generate Trustbadge’ on the right side of the Trusted Shops email confirmation. On the opening page you copy with CTRL2 + C the JavaScript source code displayed in the field ‘Embed code’.

Now open PepperShop Administration and click ‘Edit content’ at ‘Own content’ on the left. In the dropdown with the caption ‘please choose’ you click on an unused emotion box (1-4). Now one clicks in the editor on the symbol for the treatment of the source code of this emotion box (Button completely right with the label: < >) . A small window opens with source code. Now click with the mouse into this window. CTRL + A selects the entire text. Now we delete the existing text by clicking on the Delete button and paste the text previously copied on the Trusted Shops page here: CTRL + V. We confirm the change by clicking on the ‘OK’ button in the lower right corner and save the adjustment by clicking on the ‘Save changes’ button.

Now we only have to activate the display of the customized emotion box: In the shop administration we click on ‘Layout settings’‘Layout management’ in the menu on the left. Here we select the tab ‘Elements’ above. Depending on the emotion box used (1-4), we set the radio button at ‘Left column’ at the corresponding point and save this setting.

Info: If you are using a shop without a left / right column, you can add the trustbadge to the footer (‘Own content’‘Edit content’).

Configuration instructions Trusted Shops

  1. Basic configuration: Open the PepperShop manual Getting Started. In particular, the configuration as specified on page 6 must be implemented here.

  2. Button solution: Change now in the shop administration of your shop to the menu ‘Shop settings’ > ‘General settings’ in the tab ‘Shop configuration’ and set at the point ‘Order overview display’ far right at ‘Buy button above show’ a check mark. Confirm this by clicking the Save button. Verify that ‘Order overview is display’ = ‘On order completion page’.

  3. New EU Right of Withdrawal: Since June 2014 it is essential that all required model withdrawal forms are visibly linked in the withdrawal instruction (see following chapter). Further information and templates can be found here (PDF) (E-Content and service articles revocation3).

  4. documents: There are some documents which have to be available in the shop by law:

    • General Terms and Conditions / Customer Information: General Terms and Conditions and Customer Information

    • Imprint: Provider identification

    • Order confirmation: Provider identification with commercial register entry

    • Privacy: Description of Customer Data Use

    • Revocation instruction: Description of the revocation possibilities for the customer

    • Shipping and payment: List of all countries supplied, all shipping methods and payment methods. These documents are edited and linked as follows:

      1. AGB / customer information / revocation instruction:

        • If the shop is only monolingual, you can enter the GTC at the following place: Shop-Admin → Shop-Einstellungen → General Settings → Customer Info / Revocation / GTC
        • If the shop is operated in several languages, the terms and conditions will be stated for each language: ‘shop administration’ → ‘shop settings’ → ‘languages’ → ‘terms and conditions’, ‘customer information’, ‘order completion’ and ‘email edit’ → ‘language’ select and edit button click
        • → There are two input fields here: LOCALIZED TERMS AND CONDITIONS for the TERMS AND CONDITIONS and LOCALIZED CUSTOMER INFORMATION for the revocation instruction together with the customer information.
        • Please note that shops with a branch in the EU must include one of the sample texts for dispute resolution specified in Appendix 1 in their general terms and conditions.
      2. the imprint will be processed as follows: ‘Shop-Administration’‘Own content’‘Edit content’ Select Imprint in the dropdown menu. Enter all data in the content field + shops with a branch in the EU: Select one of the matching sample texts from Appendix 1 for dispute resolution. It is important that the link to the EU Online Dispute Settlement Platform ( must be clickable – i.e. linked.

      3. In addition to the address, information on at least one authorized representative and the entry in the commercial register must be visible on the order confirmation. All data which are not recorded in the general shop settings as shop operators can be recorded here: ‘Shop Administration’‘Shop Settings’‘Languages’‘Terms and Conditions’, ‘Customer Information’, ‘Order Completion and Edit Email’‘Select Language’‘Mail Closing Text’. Such an adjustment must be made in all languages.

      4. Optional (Standard, Connect only): If you want to display the cancellation policy on a separate page (not combined with the customer information), you can create it as follows: ‘Shop administration’‘Own content’‘Edit navigation’‘Create new entry’ Click on button → Type = ‘Page with content’‘Create new page’ → Name of new page = Revocation instruction‘Create’ Click on button (popup will be closed) → Infolinks: ‘place below this element’ click on the button. The revocation instruction is processed analogously to the imprint: Shop-Administration → Edit contents → Select the revocation instruction in the dropdown menu. Enter and save all data in the content field.

      5. the data security explanation is indicated in its own side, which you find under own contents → contents edit. You can edit them with the help of the corresponding button.

      6. revocation instruction:

        • Info (Standard, Connect only): If the revocation instruction is described in a text together with the customer information, the revocation instruction must be linked as follows for the customers: ‘Shop-Administration’‘Own content’‘Edit navigation’‘Create new entry’ Click on the button → Type = ‘Select internal link’ → Enter the following highlighted URL in the URL field:{pps_webroot}shop/USER_ADMIN_HILFE.php?Hilfe_ID=customer information‘Enter cancellation policy when taking notice’ → Infolinks: ‘place below this element’ click on the button.
        • If a customer explicitly declares that he waives the right of withdrawal, this must be confirmed by the shop operator. This will be communicated automatically in the order confirmation mail in the PepperShop.
      7. optionally you can move all these links into the footer. For details, see below in this chapter.

      8. the page “Shipping and Payment” must list all countries supplied by the shop and in addition all selectable shipping methods and all payment methods made available by the shop.

  5. Information about the availability of articles (delivery time): For each shipping method must a delivery time information be given in the description of the shipping method. Here one may not work with “working days”. In order to be able to make an exact delivery time specification, warehouse management is required. If the warehouse management is not already used in your shop, you can activate it via ‘Shop-Administration’‘Warehouse management’ → switched on. In order to communicate the delivery times to customers, you have to decide at ‘Customer sees stock’ for the output of the exact stock levels or the stock light (red, orange, green) and confirm with a click on the ‘Save’ button. Now you can specify for each item a stock level and a minimum stock quantity together with the indication ‘delivery time in’ - e.g. ‘2 weeks’ or ‘10 days’. (‘Shop-Administration’‘Articles’‘Edit articles’‘Warehouse management'. Or just for many articles together: ‘Shop-Administration’‘Articles’‘Mass Mutations’‘Warehouse Management’‘Select Category’). Attention: Only articles with storage behavior ‘reorderable’ will be displayed availability information and then only if they are no longer in stock! You can also enter a delivery period for each delivery type. You can do this under ‘Shop settings’‘Delivery countries / Shipping’‘Edit country group’‘Edit shipping method’. You can enter a “from – to” time here:

    • Both fields empty: No display
    • First field only filled in: ‘Delivery time: 1 working day’ or ‘Delivery time: 2 working days’
    • both fields filled in: ‘Delivery time: 1 - 3 working days’
  6. cash on delivery charges: Until now, if you sold parcels via cash on delivery, your logistics partner would collect a payment fee for this service, independent of the COD fee, directly at the customer (also called transmission fee), so this had to be declared for the respective shipping method per country group in the shop administration. This was then shown in the shopping cart: ‘Shop-Administration’‘Shop Settings’‘Shipping Countries’‘Select Country Group’ (edit button) → ‘Select Shipping Method’ (edit button) → Payment Charges. Since 01.03.2018 DHL has levied a new uniform fee for cash on delivery. Since then, this logistics partner has no longer had to pay the separate transmission fee, as this is already included in the cash on delivery fee.

  7. disguise IP address: The customer IP address in the order confirmation email to the shop administrator should not be completely transferred. To do this we switch to the ‘Shop-Administration’‘Shop-Settings’‘General Settings’ → and there set a checkmark in the tab ‘Shop-Configuration’ → at ‘Hide IP address in order confirmation e-mail’. Please remember to also check this box in the Google Analytics module or in the Google Tag Manager (if used).

  8. Prepayment adjust mail text: The prepayment mail text deposited in the PepperShop contains a request for payment of the prepayment amount. A request for payment usually leads to a conclusion of a contract, which may not (yet) be desired by you as a shop operator or even explicitly contradicts your terms and conditions4. If this is the case, please amend the text as follows:

    1. ‘Shop administration’‘Shop settings’‘Languages’‘Adapt all translated texts’‘Select language and edit click button’ → Scroll to PREVIOUS INFO text and adjust text there as follows: Please use the following payment method for the transfer.
    2. if you have set a checkmark in the ‘Shop administration’‘Shop settings’‘General settings’‘Payment methods’‘Prepayment’ → ‘Should a separate e-mail with the account information be sent after completion of the order?’ and would like to continue using it, you still need to edit the text in the mail template file. The easiest way to do this is via FTP: {shop_directory}/shop/language/en/text_templates/prepayment_reminder.txt
  9. Newsletter Module Configuration: If you use the newsletter module in your shop, it must be configured so that there is no automatic newsletter registration during the order process (preselection ‘yes’ for newsletters at the checkout). This will be implemented as follows. Go to your ‘Shop-Administration’‘Marketing’‘Newsletter’ → and there on ‘Settings / Export Link’ → select the value ‘no’ at ‘Checkout’.

  10. Highlighting of mandatory information: Before certification by Trusted Shops, please ensure that the mandatory information on the order overview page (in the ordering process after checkout) is sufficiently different from the other data displayed on this page. This is done e.g. via ‘Shop-Administration’‘Layout-Management in the tab for fonts’. Specific adjustments are also made in PepperShop Standard and Connect in the HTML template for the shopping cart display {shop_directory}/shop/language/html_templates/basket.tpl.html or configured via CSS file 5.

  11. Preselection of shipping method and payment method: Regulation of the pre-selection:

    • Shipping methods: The cheapest shipping method must be defined as preselection. You define this under ‘Shop settings’‘Shipping countries’‘Select desired shipping country’'. There the first (top) shipping type in the list is defined as preselection.
    • Payment methods: Since 13.01.2018, the payment method fee prohibition has been in force, according to which shop operators may not charge customers for the use of a SEPA basic direct debit, a SEPA corporate direct debit, a SEPA credit transfer or a payment card. All payment methods must now be available free of charge.
  12. If you are using a credit assessment module, it is very important that you communicate this system accordingly. Remember that the credit check is stated in your terms and conditions and your privacy policy. Due to the entry into force of the DSGVO (EU Data Protection Basic Regulation) on 25.05.2018, it is also obligatory for you to indicate in the module configuration that you are carrying out a credit check. Info: However, this is only allowed for the payment type Invoice. In the ‘General Settings’‘Payment Methods’ we have the possibility to select that we require our customers to give their consent to the credit assessment. In addition, a balancing of interests must be carried out in accordance with Art. 6 DSGVO. The legitimate interests of the dealer must be weighed against those of the person concerned.

  13. Cookies: With the BGH court decision of 28 May 2020, in which the highest judicial instance in Germany shares the opinion of the EuGH decision from 2019, it is absolutely necessary to obtain the active and voluntary consent of the visitor before using non-essential cookies on a website. The best way to do this, is to integrate a professional content management tool such as usercentrics or the Trusted Shops Consent Manager. As soon as you have the HTML/JS code for the page integration from the respective content manager, integrate it for each language in the shop administration: ‘Shop settings’‘Languages’‘Adjust header variables (e.g. meta tags)'‘Select language’ → Insert code in the text field with label HEADER VARIABLEN. The Consent Manager will be active after saving. Starting with PepperShop v.8 there is also a Consent Manager Module, which conveniently controls such settings automatically.

  14. Contact forms: What is new is that we are allowed to use fewer mandatory fields due to the DSGVO. This means that all forms which are available in your shop for contacting you now have only two mandatory fields by default: The e-mail address and the text. This has been implemented in such a way that you can only collect data if it is absolutely necessary for processing. We therefore do not need a telephone number or a date of birth to answer an enquiry (no mandatory fields are allowed). This also applies to all other forms in which customer data is collected, such as newsletter registrations, customer registration or the order form.

  15. Google Analytics: The DSGVO also tightens the law on Google Analytics. Google Analytics must be noted in the privacy statement. The IP must also be made anonymous. Since Google processes the data of your customers on your behalf, you must conclude a data processing contract with Google. You must activate the option ‘Anonymize IP addresses’ in the module administration.

Further information

  • Have you already recorded basic prices 6 for your articles where necessary?

  • Please note the nutrition declaration valid since 13.12.2016 for the sale of food in web shops (applies to shops which supply products from or to Germany)7.

  • The collection of customer data must be encrypted. To encrypt your customer data with SSL, make sure that your hosting provider has obtained and installed a complete certificate for your own domain. This service is included in PepperShop’s hosting package and is implemented free of charge for our customers. You can then activate SSL encryption for the shop by going to the ‘Shop Administration’‘Shop Settings’‘General Settings’ → in the ‘Shop Configuration’’ tab. Enable SSL/TLS’. The shop independently checks whether this is technically possible on your web server. Info: Credit card connections are processed independently of this encryption anyway encrypted by the Payment Service Partner.

  • If the customer information has been entered together with the revocation instruction, you can also copy it into the standard PepperShop Footer (e.g. to the right of Contact / General Terms and Conditions): ‘Shop administration’‘Own content’‘Edit content’ → Select footer. Click on the ‘Source Code’ button in the upper left corner and insert the following text (ignore wrap):

    <a href="{link_kundeninformationen_widerrufsbelehrung}" class="footer_td"
    • If the privacy policy has been created and linked exactly as described above, you can insert the following text in the footer source code, so that this page is linked as well (ignore page break):
      href="{pps_webroot}shop/inhalt.php?content=privacy statement"
      >privacy statement
  • As a final note, we would also like to remind you that it is very important to take care of the shop even after the first furnishing work. This not only from a legal point of view, but also from a marketing and usage analysis point of view. Implement search engine optimization guidelines8 or find a partner in this area and evaluate the behavior of your visitors9. With the PepperShop you have chosen a software with a strong partner, there is always an answer to your questions10.

After completion of certification

Your contact person at Trusted Shops will confirm the successful completion of the certification by e-mail. After that you can already integrate the Trusted Shops seal as well as the registration for buyer protection into your shop (if you have not already done this via Trustbadge Integration during the certification process). See chapter 3.

Buyer protection Classic + customer reviews

Go to the shop administration and click on the following path: ‘Shop Settings’‘Languages’‘General Terms and Conditions, Customer Information, Order Completion and Edit Email’‘Select Language’ + Edit. Here you scroll to the input field next to the label ‘HEARTLY THANK YOU ZUSATZTEXT’. Insert the following HTML code at this point. This code is interpreted by the trust badge.

<h3 class="content">Rating shop</h3>
    title="Rate this shop"
    >Write a review on our shop!</a
<div id="trustedShopsCheckout" style="display:none;">
  <span id="tsCheckoutOrderNr">{order reference number}</span>
  <span id="tsCheckoutBuyerEmail">{customer_email}</span>
  <span id="tsCheckoutBuyerId">{customer_nr_or_customer_id}</span>
  <span id="tsCheckoutOrderAmount">{calculated_calculated}</span>
  <span id="tsCheckoutOrderPaymentType">{ts_payment_type_code}</span>
  <span id="tsCheckoutOrderCurrency">{calculated_currency}</span>

The value TS_ID highlighted in the above code must be replaced by your Trusted Shops ID. This is a long string like e.g. the following value X1234567890ABCDEFG (please do not use this!). There are also even more far-reaching customer evaluations integration possibilities.

Inform now your Trusted Shops contact person about the buyer protection integration.

Info: Trusted Shops Seller Ratings are not integrated in this version of the Trusted Shops connection.

Appendix 1: Sample texts dispute resolution

From 1 February 2017 the AGB + Impressum must contain the following text:

(a) shop operators who do not wish to participate in the dispute settlement procedure:

The European Commission provides a platform for Online Dispute Resolution (OS), which can be found at . We are not obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board and are generally not prepared to do so.

(b) shop operators who are not required to participate in the dispute settlement procedure but wish to do so:

The European Commission provides a platform for Online Dispute Resolution (OS), which can be found at . Consumers have the possibility to use this platform to settle their disputes. In principle, we are prepared to participate in out-of-court arbitration proceedings.

c) Shop operators who have undertaken to participate / must participate in the dispute settlement procedure:

The European Commission provides a platform for Online Dispute Resolution (OS), which can be found at . Consumers have the option of contacting [name, address, website of the conciliation body] to resolve their dispute. We are obligated to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before this body.

Additional information:

Further help

Do you need further support? PepperShop provides you with different options.

  1. There is also a legal text generator from Trusted Shops: ↩︎

  2. CTRL = Control key at the bottom left or right of the keyboard. In Germany, the label is STRG. ↩︎

  3. E-Content articles are automatically recognized in the shopping cart and the text for the waiver of the right to call in Aries is then automatically displayed. For service articles, the shop requires identification of the article: By default, the text ‘service article’ must appear in article additional field 5 (Prof. / Connect only). The confirmation of the revocation waiver is automatically inserted in the order confirmation e-mail from the shop. ↩︎

  4. If you wish to conclude a contract with a prepayment order and would like the system to automatically ask the customer to make a deposit, you do not need to carry out the text adaptation mentioned in point 8. Therefore it makes sense to inform the customer in a separate e-mail directly about the further procedure for the deposit. This is done via shop administration → Shop settings → General settings → Payment methods adapted: Check the box “Should a separate e-mail with the account information be sent after completion of the order?” and confirm the new setting by saving the mask. ↩︎

  5. {shop_directory}/shop/Admin/csstemplate.txt + save layout management settings. See also PDF document PepperShop design possibilities. ↩︎

  6. The easiest way to edit basic prices is via shop administration → edit existing articles. ↩︎

  7. More information on nutrition declaration for food in online shops ↩︎

  8. PepperShop SEO Blog 1 + SEO Blog 2, Shop-Administration Help topic ‘search engine optimization / SEO↩︎

  9. PepperShop Search Analysis Module ↩︎

  10. PepperShop Forums and commercial support from Glarotech GmbH ↩︎
