Registered office/delivery address Germany



If your company is based in Germany or you deliver to Germany, we recommend that you adjust some settings in the PepperShop.

Note: We are not legal advisors and accept no liability. For legal advice, we recommend that you consult a lawyer.

Adjust settings

“Shop administration” → “Settings” → “General Information” → “Shop-configuration”

  • “Shop-configuration”
    • → “Order overview display:” → “On the order completion page”
    • → “Shopping cart product images:” → ☑(tick the box)
  • “Edit product”
    • “Product price additional display:” →
      • ☑ Display VAT info
      • ☑ Show shipping info
      • ☑ Use basic price
  • “Customer information / Cancellation policy” → “Customer information / Cancellation policy” → “Customer information / Cancellation policy”
    • ☑ Should the text for customer information / cancellation policy be displayed in the ordering process? (possibly a further step in the ordering process)
    • ☑ Should the text for customer information / cancellation policy be delivered with the order confirmation e-mail?
    • To write or adapt the text for the cancellation policy, click on the pencil icon under “Edit customer information / cancellation policy”.

Further help

Do you need further support? PepperShop provides you with different options.

  • Often a click in the administration on the top right on the question mark icon helps. Here you can get direct help on the relevant topic.

  • Various answers can be found in the FAQ. These can also be called up in the shop administration via Help&News -> Help archive. Or via our homepage

  • We are also available to you by email or phone (CHF 185./h) or +41 71 923 08 58

  • Gerne stehen wir Ihnen auch per Mail oder Telefon zur Verfügung (CHF 185./h) oder +41 71 923 08 58
