Registered office/delivery address Germany
If your company is based in Germany or you deliver to Germany, we recommend that you adjust some settings in the PepperShop.
Note: We are not legal advisors and accept no liability. For legal advice, we recommend that you consult a lawyer.
Adjust settings
“Shop administration” → “Settings” → “General Information” → “Shop-configuration”
- “Shop-configuration”
- → “Order overview display:” → “On the order completion page”
- → “Shopping cart product images:” → ☑(tick the box)
- “Edit product”
- “Product price additional display:” →
- ☑ Display VAT info
- ☑ Show shipping info
- ☑ Use basic price
- “Product price additional display:” →
- “Customer information / Cancellation policy” → “Customer information / Cancellation policy” → “Customer information / Cancellation policy”
- ☑ Should the text for customer information / cancellation policy be displayed in the ordering process? (possibly a further step in the ordering process)
- ☑ Should the text for customer information / cancellation policy be delivered with the order confirmation e-mail?
- To write or adapt the text for the cancellation policy, click on the pencil icon under “Edit customer information / cancellation policy”.
Further help
Do you need further support? PepperShop provides you with different options.
Often a click in the administration on the top right on the question mark icon helps. Here you can get direct help on the relevant topic.
Various answers can be found in the FAQ. These can also be called up in the shop administration via Help&News -> Help archive. Or via our homepage
We are also available to you by email or phone (CHF 185./h) or +41 71 923 08 58
Gerne stehen wir Ihnen auch per Mail oder Telefon zur Verfügung (CHF 185./h) oder +41 71 923 08 58