Distribution channels
digitec Galaxus AG
Introduction The Galaxus module enables you to offer your products on digitec Galaxus AG too. Manage the articles in one place, in the PepperShop. Sell on two platforms, PepperShop and digitec Galaxus. The Galaxus module provides you with the interface for this, in which you can carry out product master synchronisation, among other things, import orders from the marketplace and, if required, also forward them to a connected ERP for processing and use the digitec Galaxus AG supplier interface. »
Facebook Shopping
Introduction For a long time now, social media has meant more than just posting, liking and sharing. The Facebook shop has been available in Switzerland since 2018. The aim is for companies to offer and sell their products directly via Facebook without the buyers having to switch to an external online shop. How do you get your products into the Facebook shop? With the Facebook Shopping module, you can easily link the products from your online shop to your Facebook and Instagram account - conveniently and quickly. »
Google Shopping
With this external PepperShop module, you can deliver items to Google Shopping (formerly Google Products, Google Product Search or Froogle). Module installation After copying the files you can go to the shop administration and change there to the menu ‘Module’. On the left side, with the not yet installed modules, one sees now the Google Shopping module listed. Now you have to select the Google Shopping module and click on the ‘Install’ button. »
Introduction Sell your items as product pins on Pinterest. The online platform is used by millions of people worldwide who want to collect their interests and ideas on pinboards and share them with other users. In order to use the module, you must have a Pinterest account as well as have your website verified by Pinterest. Module structure The module is based on a connector, which is also used for Facebook Shopping and for Google Shopping. »
TikTok Pixel
TikTok Pixel Das Google Analytics Modul umfasst nun auch TikTok Pixel. Mit dem Einfügen des TikTok Pixel in Ihrem Onlineshop, können Sie Daten von Shop-Besuchern zu TikTok senden, mit dem Ziel, TikTok-Werbung gewissen Shop-Besuchern zu zeigen, und zu tracken, was mit Klicks auf TikTok-Werbung im Shop passiert. Modul Konfiguration Wechseln Sie nun in die Administration des Onlineshops und aktivieren die TikTok Pixel Konfiguration im Modul Google Analytics. Fügen Sie die Pixel-ID und den Access Token in das Feld. »