


Term Term (german) Explanation
always in stock immer verfügbar A product is shown as always in stock / available
cash discount Skonto Discount for fast payment
category Kategorie Category / product category
customer Kunde Description of a customer purchasing products or services in the system.
customer address Kundenadresse Address of the customer, there is a billing address or optionally a different delivery address
customer credit Kundenguthaben Customer credit balances, credits
delivery address Lieferadresse Delivery address (if not available, then billing address)
discount Rabatt A price reduction (e.g. the reduction of a price of a product on sale)
discount item Rabattposition Discount item (object with the data required for calculation)
invoice address Rechnungsadresse Billing address (is also delivery address, if no own address exists)
manufacturer Hersteller The manufacturer of products in the system
not reorderable nicht nachbestellbar An product cannot be reordered (e.g. last item in stock)
order Bestellung Purchase order of a customer in the system
order position Warenkorbposition Order item / order product / shopping basket item
order resource Bestellungsressource Order resource, e.g. a PDF document
parent product Parentartikel Main product (if sub product exists, it cannot be purchased alone)
payment Zahlung A payment is a financial transaction made by a customer in the system to pay for purchased products.
payment methods Zahlungsart Payment methods such as credit card, invoice, cash payment, etc.
pcs. Stück Unit Piece
product Artikel Articles / products / services for sale in the system
product additional field Artikelzusatzfeld Data field used in different ways depending on the configuration (for example, technical data).
product extension item Artikel Extension Artikel The product is of the type product extension, which describes a product that can be extended by dynamically configurable elements.
product option Artikeloption Option for an article (e.g. color, extension, etc.)
product price info Artikel Preisinfo In code: Object with price information (belonging to an article object describing a product)
product property Artikel Merkmal Characteristic for a product 0-n (e.g. dress size as number)
product set main item Artikelset Hauptartikel Product is main article of a set of products
product set variation item Artikelset Variationsartikel The product describes a variation in a product set
product unit Artikeleinheit Describes in which units a product is sold in the system.
product variation Artikel Variation Product variation (e.g. color of the car), not to be mistaken with an option (no fixed part of the product)
property Merkmal There are attributes for products, categories, customers, orders, and order items.
property definition Merkmaldefinition Definition of a product property (e.g. dress size in cm)
reorderable nachbestellbar A product is shown as reorderable
stock Lager Stock of products
stock amount Lagerbestand Number of an item in stock
sub category Unterkategorie Categories can be nested within each other. A subcategory is subordinate to another category.
sub product Subartikel Sub product of a main article (parent product) which has article no., price and stock quantity and can be bought.
VAT MWST Value added tax / sales tax (VAT)
voucher Gutschein There are value vouchers and service vouchers in the system.
web hook Webhook Webhooks are URLs which are addressed when an event has occurred or when an event is to be communicated to the server.

payment methods

Term Term (german) Explanation
cash before delivery Barzahlung Payment upon collection
cash before delivery Vorauskasse A payment method in which the parcel is not shipped until payment has been received. (prepayment)
cash on delivery Nachnahme A payment method where the payment is made directly when the parcel is handed over.
credit card Kreditkarte Widely used payment method that can be used worldwide
direct debit Lastschrift This is a payment type with direct debit of the customer account.
invoice Rechnung An invoice / bill for payment by the customer to pay for a purchased product.
web checkout Webkasse Pos payment (online cash register system)

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