Domain Transfer
Introduction You have already registered your domain with a provider. The following scenarios are explained here. If you would now like to request a transfer code so that the domain can be moved to us or to another provider. Or you need to register our name servers or enter the IP address for the subdomain. Transfer code To be able to transfer a domain to us, you need the transfer code (also called Auth-Code). »
Installation with SSH
Introduction This document describes the installation of the PepperShop system via an SSH connection to your your Linux / UNIX web server. The target audience are store operators and system administrators. If you do not have SSH access to your web server, we provide you with the instructions for manual installation without Telnet/SSH: https://www.peppershop.com/peppershop_files/installation_ohne_telnet_ssh.pdf Installation procedure Overview This guide takes you through the installation process on your web server in four steps »
Shop installation without SSH
Introduction These installation instructions can only be used from PepperShop version 7.0. These instructions are intended to enable anyone who does not receive SSH access to their web server from their provider to install PepperShop. The installation requires the manual modification of files. PepperShop files are created with UNIX line breaks. On Windows computers they therefore look a little “‘funny”. We recommend using a suitable editor, such as the free programme Notepad++, then the files will be interpreted and displayed correctly. »
SMTP settings
Introduction In this guide, we explain step by step how to make the SMTP settings. The SMTP settings are used to ensure that you continue to receive order confirmation emails. What is an SMTP port? An SMTP port is a communication endpoint that is responsible for transferring information from one server to another. While SMTP ensures the delivery of most emails over the Internet, ports ensure that emails reach their destination. »