Technical Terms
Term | Term (german) | Explanation |
aktiv_von |
created | erstellt |
Attribute creation date |
data source | datenquelle |
data source |
language | lang |
Language |
language group nr | merkmal_lang_grp_nr |
Attribute language group ID |
product id | artikel_id |
Article ID (system internally used only) |
product property id | merkmal_nr |
Attribute ID |
property definition id | merkmal_definition_id |
Attribute definition ID |
reference | referenz |
Reference |
updated | aktualisiert |
Attribute modification date |
value | value |
Attribute Value |
Term | Term (german) | Explanation |
kontierungsinfogruppe_id |
accounting info | buchungsinfo |
VARCHAR(255) Information for booking in connections, can be the booking type/booking account/etc. |
accounting info group name | kontierungsinfogruppe_name |
account assignment info group_name |
accounting info group reference id | kontierungsinfogruppe_referenz_nr |
Account assignment info group reference no. |
available in | lieferbar_in |
If currently not in stock: Textual short description, ‘when will the product be available again’ |
customer product notes | zusatzfelder |
Somewhat unhappily named… here it is about the additional text fields, in which the customer can put texts per product and order. (Have nothing to do with additional fields 1-5), is used for personalization of products in orders. |
e content download count | e_content_anzahl_downloads |
-1 = unlimited, > 0 = n downloads |
e content expires | e_content_expires |
-1 = never, > 0 = n seconds (3600 = 1 hour 86400 = 1 day, 25’200 = 1 week, 108’000 = 30 days = 1 month, 31’536’000 = 365 days = 1 year) |
e content file | e_content_file |
E-content file name - if available |
extra field 01 | zusatzfeld_1 |
This product offers 10 additional fields, which can also be used by the search engine, e.g. to narrow down the search results. The labels of the additional fields can be found in the corresponding file. |
grouping | gruppierung |
Product group (name, max. 255 characters) |
is bulk price | preis_ist_staffelpreis |
If the price (or non sales price) is a scale price (reduced price), this flag is = true. |
is campaign | aktion |
Becomes Boolean true if a sales promotion price is currently stored in $Preis (=price). |
is subscription order | abo_is_abobestellung |
ENUM(Y ,N ) If a subscription product is ordered as a subscription, this flag is set to true. |
max order quantity | maximalbestellmenge |
Maximum number of items of this product that can be ordered simultaneously per customer and order |
min order quantity | mindestbestellmenge |
Minimum quantity of products that must be ordered together per customer and order (integer number) |
min stock | mindestlagermenge |
Minimum stock quantity of this product (integer number) |
name | name |
Name / description of this product |
options | optionen |
Optional components for the article |
order id | bestellungs_id |
Unique ID of the order (ATTENTION: Is not always populated with data!) |
order product name | a_b_name |
Name / description of this product from the database table: artikel_bestellung (may have been changed during the ordering process) |
parent id | parent_id |
Link to a main product, here is its a_b_ID . Info: e.g. if it concerns an options product, here the product ID of the main product stands, to which this option was linked. The value 0 or empty means: No main product |
price | preis |
Standard product price or sales promotion price, if active sales promotion (for one piece, without var. / opt. / row discount!) |
price info | preisinfo |
Object with gross price information |
price per unit | einzelpreis |
Unit price incl. variation and option surcharges minus row discount |
price without campaign | preis_ohne_aktion |
If sales promotion price is used, it will be stored in $Preis (=price), here is the standard price (for one piece, without var. / opt. / row discount!) |
product extensions cache content | ae_cache_content |
Product extensions cache content. Only populated with data when serializing the order |
product id | artikel_nr |
Product no. (set by system operator) |
product rebate group | artikelrabattgruppe |
Optional product discount group assignment used by the pricing module (string) |
product set config number | as_konfigurations_nr |
Product set configuration no. This number is assigned to each product set main product in order to uniquely identify an ordered product configuration (invoice no. + sequence number). |
product set id | asid |
Product set unique ID (unique referencing of an product set -> products bundled from variation articles) or product extension / product set unique-ID (asid) from the article extensions module, also called ae_asid |
product set status | as_status |
Product set status assemble or im_warenkorb (in shopping cart) - shows the status of the stored product set |
product set type | as_artikeltyp |
Product set or product extension module: Optionally you can see what type it has |
product set variations grp id | as_vargrp_id |
Produc set variation group ID (=0, if it is the ‘main product’, otherwise the ID of the variation group of the variation article in the shopping cart) |
product set variations name | as_vargrp_bez |
Product set Variation group designation |
product shop id | artikel_id |
Shop-internal product identification number |
promo | promo |
Is it a product currently on promotion? |
quantity | anzahl |
Quantity of this item in the shopping cart |
quantity decimals | anzahl_nachkomma |
Unit: How many decimal digits (0,1,2, …) |
quantity display | anzahl_anzeige |
Unit: Display as ‘dropdown’ or ‘input field’. |
quantity dropdown values | anzahl_dropdown |
Unit: dropdown values, e.g. 1-10;20;30;40;50;100 |
quantity unit | anzahl_einheit |
Unit: This article: Pcs., meters, kilograms, … |
rebate amount | rabatt_betrag |
Discount amount |
rebate percent | rabatt_prozent |
Discount percentages |
resources | ressourcen |
E.g. Uploads (linked files) or other usable field. The character þ is used as delimiter for elements (ALT + 0254): Decoding function: unspecial_string() . |
stock | lagerbestand |
Current number in stock |
stock behavior | lagerverhalten |
immer_bestellbar (=always orderable / in stock), nicht_nachbestellbar (no reorder possible), nachbestellbar (reorderable) |
subscription queue id | abo_queue_id |
ID of the subscription queue. Is filled if the order is generated automatically by the subscription module from a subscription queue. |
total price | einzelgesamtpreis |
Total costs for this product (incl. number of multiplications, i.e. all together): Product+var+opt-discount * quantity) |
variations | variationen |
Variants of the product (can be organized in variation groups) |
vat | mwst_satz |
VAT rate |
weight | gewicht |
The weight of the product (opt. / var. weights are not included) |
Term | Term (german) | Explanation |
kategorie_id |
description | beschreibung |
Description |
extra field 01 | zusatzfeld_1 |
Additional fields (1 to 4) |
image big | bild_gross |
Filename or link to the large product image |
image file type | bildtyp |
Type of the referenced category image (jpg,jpeg,png,gif,..) |
image last modified | bild_last_modified |
Time at which the image was modified the last time |
image small | bild_klein |
Filename or link to the small product image |
languages | sprachen |
Languages |
manufacturer id | hersteller_id |
If a manufacturer category with currently selected manufacturer is active (integer, optional) |
name | name |
Name |
parent category id | parent_id |
Parent category ID (not always populated) |
position | positions_nr |
Position No |
promo | promo |
If this category shows all products currently on promotion (Y/N) |
public | public |
show details | details_anzeigen |
Show details |
special | special |
Additional attributes for reading special products (see USER_ARTIKEL_HANDLING_AUFRUF.php ) |
sub categories | unterkategorien |
List of subcategories |
tab text | tab_text |
Text of the tab (category heading, which can be displayed before (above) a category) |
vat default | mwst_default_satz |
Selected VAT rate |
visible | ist_sichtbar |
is visible |
Term | Term (german) | Explanation |
kontoinhaber |
country id |
land_id |
Country ID (e.g. CH, DE, FR, IT, ..) |
account number | kontonummer |
Account number |
attribute 01 name | attribut1 |
Description of the customer additional field (customer additional attribute) |
attribute 01 value | attributwert1 |
Value of the customer additional field (customer additional attribute) |
bank | bankname |
Bank name |
bank code | blz |
bic (bank interchange code) |
bic | bic |
city | ort |
City |
country | land |
Country (localized name) |
currency | waehrung |
Three digit currency code in capital letters, e.g. CHF, USD, … or as initial value ‘undef’. |
customer group id | kundengruppe_id |
Customer group ID (integer, positive) |
customer id | kunden_nr |
Freely choosable customer number for business processes (if preceded by R-, the customer may purchase on invoice -> if system has been configured to allow this behaviour) |
date of birth | geburtsdatum |
date of birth |
debtor number | debitorennummer |
Debtor number (identification of the debtor) |
debtor price group | debitorenpreisgruppe |
Debtor price group |
debtor rebate group | debitorenrabattgruppe |
Debtor discount group |
email |
eori nr | eori_nr |
EORI No - (Economic Operators Registration and Identification) - Customs Number EU |
fax | fax |
Fax |
first name | vorname |
Ffirst name |
house number | hausnummer |
house number |
iban | iban |
internal id | kunden_id |
Unique, not traceable number (Security, see createKundenID(),newKunde(…) ) –> is numeric or UUID and is often used in the shop as identification of the customer (may contain only lower case letters and numbers). |
invoice delivery | rechnungslieferung |
Can the customer use invoice as a payment method? |
last name | nachname |
Surname |
locale | locale |
Language code (ISO-639-1 Code) |
locked | gesperrt |
Is customer blocked? (Y/N) |
login | login |
Login name |
mobile | handy |
Mobile (cellphone) |
organisation | firma |
Company |
organisation code | firma_code |
Company legal form |
organisation holder name | firma_holder_name |
Company holder name |
organisation identification | firma_uid |
UID (unique company identification code) |
organisation vat id | firma_ust_id |
VAT No |
password | passwort |
Password |
phone | tel |
Tel |
post office box | postfach |
P.O. box (post office box) |
purchasing volume | einkaufsvolumen |
Purchasing volume |
session id | session_id |
Identification of a visit. Is empty if customer is not currently ordering |
ssn | ssn |
Social insurance number, for example, is a mandatory field for credit checks in nordic countries |
state id | staat_id |
ID of the state / federal state / canton, very important especially for addresses from the USA |
street | strasse |
Street |
temp | temp |
Guest order: Means that this customer has not set himself a login and password and can therefore only complete this one order. If not filled via isTempCustomer(get_correct_session_id() ); check (Y/N) |
title | anrede |
salutation |
zip | plz |
customer address
Term | Term (german) | Explanation |
adress_id |
address type | adresstyp |
Address type (customer, billing address, delivery address) |
attribute 01 name | attribut1 |
Attribute Label (1-10) |
attribute 01 value | attributwert1 |
Attribute Value (1-10) |
city | ort |
Location |
country | land |
Country (localized name) |
country id | land_id |
Country of delivery abbreviation according to ISO-3166 (e.g. CH, DE, …) |
created | created |
creation date |
customer id | kunden_id |
Customer ID |
date of birth | geburtsdatum |
date of birth |
email |
fax | fax |
Fax number |
first name | vorname |
First name |
geocode hash | geocode_hash |
geocode hash |
geocode latitude | geocode_latitude |
geocode latitude |
geocode longitude | geocode_longitude |
geocode longitude |
house number | hausnummer |
house number |
last name | nachname |
Surname |
mobile | handy |
Mobile (cellphone) |
organisation | firma |
Company |
organisation code | firma_code |
Company legal form |
organisation holder name | firma_holder_name |
Company owners |
organisation identification | firma_uid |
UID (unique company identification code) |
organisation vat id | firma_ust_id |
VAT No |
phone | tel |
Telephone number |
post office box | postfach |
P.O. box (post office box) |
postcode | plz |
ssn | ssn |
Social insurance number, for example, is a mandatory field for credit checks in nordic countries |
state id | staat_id |
ID of the state / federal state / canton, very important especially for addresses from the USA |
street | strasse |
Street |
temp | temp |
Address of a guest account without login and password |
title | anrede |
Salutation |
updated | updated |
modification date |
Term | Term (german) | Explanation |
calctotal_danach |
calculation total before | calctotal_davor |
Calculated total amount before deduction of this discount item |
credit voucher | gutschrift |
Flag indicating whether the discount originated from a credit memo (credit memo or customer credit). Relevant for API only |
priority | prioritaet |
Priority of discount definition |
rebate amount | rabatt_betrag |
Absolute discount amount |
rebate id | rabatt_position |
Discount Position ID |
rebate percent | rabatt_prozent |
Relative discount amount in percent |
total after | total_danach |
Products total amount before deduction of this discount item |
total before | total_davor |
Total amount over all products before deduction of this discount item |
total correction | total_korrektur |
Flag indicating whether a goods total correction is to be made. |
vat correction | mwst_korrektur |
Flag indicating whether a VAT correction is to be made (you do not want this when crediting customer credit). |
discount item
Term | Term (german) | Explanation |
calc_rabatt_artikeltotal_aufgerufen |
credit voucher | gutschrift |
credit |
order id | bestellungs_id |
Related system internal order ID (foreign key) |
order total vat spreading | mwst_verteilung_bes_tot |
VAT distribution at total total level (all factors added together give 1) |
overall sum before rebate | gesamttotal_vor_rabatt |
Total before deduction of discounts |
overall sum rebates | rabatte_gesamttotal |
Array with discount positions objects |
overall sum total rebate | total_rabatt_gesamttotal |
Cumulative discount of the total (amount) |
overall sum total rebate in percent | total_rabatt_gesamttotal_in_prozent |
Cumulative discount of total (percentage value) |
overall sum total rebate in percent relevant for vat | total_rabatt_gesamttotal_in_prozent_mwst_relevant |
Cumulative discount of total relevant for VAT (percentage) |
overall sum total rebate relevant for vat | total_rabatt_gesamttotal_mwst_relevant |
Cumulative discount from the total VAT-relevant amount. |
product total vat spreading | mwst_verteilung_art_tot |
VAT distribution at item discount level (all factors added together equals 1) |
rebate | rabatte |
discount items |
rebate product total | rabatte_artikeltotal |
Array with discount item objects |
total rebate product total | total_rabatt_artikeltotal |
Cumulative discount of total amount of all products (amount) |
total rebate product total in percent | total_rabatt_artikeltotal_in_prozent |
Cumulative discount from total amount of all products (percentage value) |
Term | Term (german) | Explanation |
extra field 1 | zusatzfeld_1 |
Additional field 1 (1 - 10) |
id | hersteller_nr |
No of the manufacturer |
image | bild |
manufacturer logo / image |
last modified | last_modified |
Datetime of the last modification |
link | link |
manufacturer URL |
manufacturer id | hersteller_id |
Manufacturer ID |
name | name |
manufacturer’s name |
Term | Term (german) | Explanation |
affiliate_id |
affiliate name | affiliate_name |
Affiliate name for orders placed through a partner |
attribute 1 label | attribut1 |
Label of the additional customer or order field (1-10) |
attribute 1 value | attributwert1 |
Value of the customer / order additional field (1-10) |
campaign id | kampagne_id |
Affiliate campaign ID for orders placed via a partner |
cancelled by | storniert_von |
By whom storniert_am (canceled at) was filled in |
cancelled date | storniert_am |
Date of full cancellation of the order |
clearing extra | clearing_extra |
External payment service providers (PSP): During the order process: Div. values, after completion of the order: additional information from the external payment institute as well as history data for payment interface v.2. |
clearing id | clearing_id |
External payment service providers (PSP): During order process: Div. values / random number, …, after order completion: transaction ID of the external payment institute (PSP and/or acquirer) |
credit card expires | kreditkarten_ablaufdatum |
Internal credit card processing: expiration date of credit card |
credit card first name | kreditkarten_vorname |
Internal credit card processing: First Name of Credit Card Holder |
credit card id | kreditkarten_id |
Internal ID of the credit card (see DB table credit card) |
credit card last name | kreditkarten_nachname |
Internal credit card processing: Last Name of Credit Card Holder |
credit card number | kreditkarten_nummer |
Internal credit card processing: Credit card number (only stored temporarily) |
credit card provider | kreditkarten_hersteller |
Internal credit card processing: Credit card institute: e.g. VISA (KK information is only stored temporarily) |
currency | waehrung |
Currency code according to ISO-4217 (e.g. CHF) ! Is unequal the PepperShop wehrungs_id , since this is always lowercase and currency itself always uppercase |
currency string | waehrung_string |
Currency string (text) for direct output (e.g. US$, €, SFr.). This does not have to be an ISO code! |
currency total | fremdwaehrung_total |
Invoice amount in foreign currency |
customer annotation | anmerkung |
Optional comment text of the ordering shop customer (textarea, DB: type TEXT) |
daily closing by | tagesabschluss_von |
By whom tagesabschluss_am (end of day closing at) was filled in |
daily closing date | tagesabschluss_am |
Date of day-end closing. This identifies whether the order has already been completed (only applies to POS). |
date | datum |
order date |
delivery country | versandland |
Localized designation of the supplier country (e.g. UK, Switzerland, Germany, …) |
delivery country id | versandland_id |
Delivery country abbreviation according to ISO-3166 (e.g. CH, DE, …) |
delivery method | versandart |
Description of the selected shipping method |
delivery method id | versandart_id |
Internal ID of the selected shipping method |
export date | exportiert_am |
The date of the first export of the order |
exported by | exportiert_von |
Who exportiert_von (= exported by) was filled in by |
invoice number | rechnungs_nr |
The invoice number is only filled in serialized, closed order objects -> see also function get_rechnungs_nr() in USER_BESTELLUNG.php . |
ip | ip |
Customer ip address (string/text) |
is pickup | ist_abholungsversandart |
Goods are collected. Set when ordering serialized bool |
language | sprache |
Language |
locale | locale |
Language setting (ISO-639-1 code) |
object version | version |
This version number identifies the compatible version of the order object. |
order completed | bestellung_abgeschlossen |
Shows whether a purchase order has been received (flag: Y/N) |
order completed externally | bestellung_extern_abgeschlossen |
Order completed externally (e.g. because payment was routed via an external payment service provider) |
order id | bestellungs_id |
Unique ID of the purchase order (internal -> Autoincrement DB field). The purchase order reference number is also generated from this ID: Order_ID + offset from the configuration editor. |
order number | bestellungs_nr |
Order reference number: Not consecutive number without gaps, which references the order |
order payed | bestellung_bezahlt |
Order paid |
order products | artikelliste |
List of ordered products |
order shipped | bestellung_ausgeloest |
Order has been shipped |
order status | bestellung_status |
Order status (eg., order received, in process, shipped, completed, reminder 1, overdue notice 2). The status is described by a four-digit numeric value. |
order string | bestellung_string |
After completion of the order, contains the whole order as text (like email). If paid via external PSP some detail data are already available here during the order and payment process. |
payment method | bezahlungsart |
Name of the payment method, e.g. invoice, or cash on delivery or credit card, … |
payment method terminal | bezahlungsart_zahlungsterminal |
Payment method used at the payment terminal: Name of the card which was transmitted from the payment terminal to the shop or pos (details: see card_types.json ). |
payment transaction id | payment_transaction_id |
Transaction ID from payment provider (PSP / acquirer) |
payment via | bezahlt_ueber |
Paid via Webkasse/Shop |
product amount | artikeltotal |
Total price of all ordered products (incl. product discount / row rebates and excl. shipping and additional costs) / given in base currency |
product set info | artikel_set_infos |
Information about article sets (Product Configurator module), if any appear in the order (key = asid, values (article-id <-> var_grp , sorting <-> var_grp ) |
rebate | rabatt |
Discount object with order discounts (see class order discount in rabatt.def.php) |
reference nr | referenz_nr |
Reference number of an order (not stored in the DB). $Reference_Nr = $Order_ID + ORDER_REFERENCE_NR_OFFSET. |
resources | resources |
Resources for Purchase Order (Documents, e.g. a PDF document) |
session id | session_id |
Customer session during the ordering process |
shopamount paypal | paypalbetrag |
Additional PayPal transaction costs (in shop base currency NOT included in invoice amount!) -> DB field name = Paypal_kosten (Paypal costs) |
shopamount to be collected | nachnahmebetrag |
Additional cash on delivery costs (already included in the invoice amount in shop basic currency!) |
shopamount trust | treuhandbetrag |
Additional trustee costs (in shop base currency, currently not included in invoice amount) -> DB field name = fiduciary costs |
shopcurrency exchange ratio | waehrung_umrechnungsfaktor |
Conversion factor to the base currency of the shop |
shopcurrency rounding factor | waehrung_rundungsfaktor |
Rounding factor (to how many digits is rounded) |
shopdelivery address id | lieferanschrift_adress_id |
If a different delivery address is used, this is referenced by the following ID in the table customer_addresses . |
shopdelivery charges | versandkosten |
Costs for packaging and shipping (shop base currency) |
shopinvoice amount | rechnungsbetrag |
Total price of the order (amount to be paid in shop base currency, unrounded, directly from database). Please read out via $this->get_invoice amount() , so that you get all the different relevant forms |
shopminimum quantum surcharge | mindermengenzuschlag |
Minimum quantity surcharge, if applicable (in shop base currency) |
shoptotal weight | gewichtstotal |
Total weight (all items incl. options and variations) of the order |
source | source |
Description, where the order comes from (String, e.g. ‘Webkasse’ if order received by pos system) |
source order id | source_bestellungs_id |
Order_ID from which this order was created. |
transaction id | transaction_id |
Transaction handler: External payment service providers (if used): Counter for transaction - Several transactions (canceled, new, … ) may be used per order until payment is received (format current = datetime, e.g. 2012-09-24 11:57:22) |
transaction info | transaction_info |
Transaction handler: External payment service providers (if used): Information about the flow of transactions (example entry: postfinance_e_payment::2012-09-24 11:57:22::1000::\nsystem::2012-09-24 11:57:22::su02::1 |
uuid | uuid |
Cross-system unique order ID |
vat | mwst |
VAT Percentage of the invoice amount. For prices excl. VAT, the additional VAT due in shop base currency. |
vat array | mwst_arr |
Info array with the calculated VAT shares, the amounts and the total share. |
vat freed | mwst_befreit |
Flag indicating whether the supply is free of VAT |
vat incl | mwst_inkl |
Flag indicating whether the order includes VAT (differentiation B2B/B2C) |
vat info | mwst_info |
VAT info object |
vat is deducted | mwst_schon_abgezogen |
Info flag for the function calculate_order (boolean) |
vat percentages | mwst_anteile |
VAT shares detailed |
vat total | mwst_total |
VAT total amount |
voucher code | gutscheincode |
Redeemed coupon code |
Term | Term (german) | Explanation |
kontierungsinfogruppe_id |
available in | lieferbar_in |
When will this article be available again (text) |
available in languages | sprache |
If an product is bound to a language (e.g. de, en, fr, …) - usually not the case, since this is a very specific way of running multi language support of this system – most certainly needs customization |
base price factor | grundpreis_faktor |
Floating point value that describes the factor with which the product price can be converted to the base price unit. |
base price unit | grundpreis_einheit |
Base price unit (e.g. g, kg, l, ml, …) |
bulk prices | staffelpreise |
In this array the scale prices and their starting number are stored (key = from, value = price). |
campaign price | aktionspreis |
Absolute sales promotion price of the product |
created | erstellt |
Date of article creation (format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) |
delivery unit | liefereinheit |
Delivery unit: Products can only be ordered in these quantities. e.g.: 20 => 20,40,60,80 |
description | beschreibung |
Detailed product description (text) |
distributor id | lieferant_id |
The ID of the supplier / manufacturer |
e content download count | e_content_anzahl_downloads |
-1 = unlimited, > 0 = n downloads |
e content download method | e_content_dl_func |
How the download is made available: Empty = HTTP download, wap_push = WAP push method |
e content expires | e_content_expires |
-1 = never, > 0 = n seconds (3600 = 1 hour 86400 = 1 day, 25’200 = 1 week, 108’000 = 30 days = 1 month, 31’536’000 = 365 days = 1 year) |
e content file | e_content_file |
If this product should offer an e-content file (non physical article) |
extra field 01 | zusatzfeld_1 |
The products offers ten easy to use additional fields, which can also be addressed by the search engine, e.g. to narrow down the search results. The labels of the additional fields can be found in the corresponding file. |
extra fields | zusatzfelder |
Additional fields (1 - 10) for free use (text) |
extra fields params | zusatzfelder_param |
Parameters for the additional text Input fields |
extra fields texts | zusatzfelder_text |
Text for the additional input fields |
extra fields title | zusatzfelder_titel |
Title of additional text fields (if multilingual - use this text as key in |
grouping | gruppierung |
Product group (name, max. 191 characters) |
grouping parent | gruppierung_parent |
If the sub products are to be displayed grouped, the assignment to the group can be made here. |
grouping when option | gruppierung_opt |
Grouping as a linked option |
id | artikel_nr |
Product number assigned by the shop operator |
image big | bild_gross |
Filename or link to the large product image |
image file type | bildtyp |
Type of the referenced product image (jpg,jpeg,png,gif,..) |
image last modified | bild_last_modified |
Last change of the product iamge |
image small | bild_klein |
Filename or link to the small product image |
info link | link |
A hyperlink to further article information |
internal notes | interne_notizen |
Notes visible only in the system administration |
last modified | letzteaenderung |
Date of last modification of this product (Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) |
live from | aktiv_von |
Format in US datetime: yyyy-mm-dd ss:mm:ss |
live until | aktiv_bis |
Format in US datetime: yyyy-mm-dd ss:mm:ss |
locale | locale |
Language setting (ISO-639-1 code) |
manufacturer id | hersteller_id |
The ID of the manufacturer in the manufacturer table |
manufacturer obj | hersteller_obj |
Contains the manufacturer object |
manufacturer product id | hersteller_artikel_nr |
Article number of the manufacturer |
master product | masterartikel |
Is it a master product? (Y ,N ) (Slave products are e.g. externally synced products) |
max order quantity | maximalbestellmenge |
Maximum number of items that can be ordered per customer/order |
min order quantity | mindestbestellmenge |
Minimum order quantity of the article (0 if there is no limit) |
min stock | mindestlagermenge |
Minimum stock quantity of the article |
name | name |
Name of the product |
optional articles | optionsartikel |
Linked product as an option for this product |
options | optionen |
Options for this product |
options weight | optionen_gewicht |
Weight of the options |
parent number | parent_nr |
Product no. of parent product (only set for sub products) |
pi filename | pi_dateiname |
SEO / Search engine optimization: Virtual file name |
pi searching class | pi_suchklasse |
SEO / Search engine optimization: Product index search class (integer number) |
position | positions_nr |
Position no. (for sorted product list by position number ascending or descending) |
price | preis |
Product price |
product code | artikel_code |
Article code e.g: GTIN 13 / EAN-13 Code |
product details | artikeldetails |
Detailed additional information on the product |
product id | artikel_id |
Internal article identification number |
product rebate group | artikelrabattgruppe |
Optional product discount group used by the pricing module (string) |
product set data | artikel_set_daten |
If this product is the main product of a product set |
product set keep quantity | as_keep_anzahl |
After reconfiguration, should the product set keep the number or increment it by the corresponding amount? |
product set show in sequence | as_show_nacheinander |
Should the product set be selected by variation groups one after the other or should all of them be displayed together for selection? |
promo | promo |
Is this product on promotion? Promo articles can be provided with a badge by the customer and displayed collectively, e.g. on the start page. |
purchase price | einstandspreis |
Purchase price (used in the warehouse management) |
quantity decimals | anzahl_nachkomma |
Unit: How many decimal digits (0,1,2, …) |
quantity display | anzahl_anzeige |
Unit: Display as ‘dropdown’ or ‘input field’. |
quantity dropdown values | anzahl_dropdown |
Unit: Dropdown values, e.g. 1-10;20;30;40;50;100 |
quantity unit | anzahl_einheit |
Unit: This product: pcs., meter, kilogram, … |
rating average | bewertung_durchschnitt |
Average rating for this product (requires separate product rating module) |
rating count | anzahl_bewertungen |
Number of ratings for this product (requires separate product ratings module) |
sale from | aktion_von |
When to start the promotion for the article |
short description | kurzbeschreibung |
Short product description (can be shown at the product list) |
stock | lagerbestand |
Current stock of this item |
stock behavior | lagerverhalten |
immer_bestellbar (always in stock / reorderable), nicht_nachbestellen (cannot be reordered), nachbestellbar (can be reordered) |
sub campaign quantity | subanzahlpromo |
If SHOW_SUBARTIKEL_INFOS_AUF_1_STUFE = true (configuration editor): Number of linked and active sub products currently on promotion (promo=Y ). If > 0, the parent product should also display the promo flag. |
sub in parent | sub_in_parent |
This flag becomes true, if it is actually a sub product, which claims to be a normal article. This is the case with article rendering when sub products are rendered as dropdowns. |
sub min campaign price | submindestaktionspreis |
If SHOW_SUBARTIKEL_INFOS_AUF_1_STUFE = true (configuration editor): Cheapest active sales promotion price of all active linked sub products or variations, if this (parent) product has price=0 |
sub min price | submindestpreis |
If SHOW_SUBARTIKEL_INFOS_AUF_1_STUFE = true (configuration editor): Cheapest price of all active, linked subarticles, if this (parent) product has price=0, scale prices are not considered! |
sub stock availability | sublagerbestand |
If SHOW_SUBARTIKEL_INFOS_AUF_1_STUFE = true (configuration editor): Total stock of all sub products linked and active with this parent article. |
sub var min price | subvarmindestpreis |
If SHOW_SUBARTIKEL_INFOS_AUF_1_STUFE = true (configuration editor): Most favorable price of all active, linked variants of the first variation group, if this (parent) has article price=0 |
use campaign price | aktionspreis_verwenden |
Not currently in use |
variations | variationen |
Variants of this product |
variations group | variationen_gruppe |
Grouping of variants |
variations group ids | var_gruppen_text |
Variation group numbers |
variations group names | var_gruppen_darst |
Variation group name |
variations product set ids | variationen_gruppe_as |
Grouping of variation products (for a part of an product set) |
variations products | variationsartikel |
Product variation for this article |
variations weight | variationen_gewicht |
Weight of variation |
vat | mwst_satz |
VAT rate |
weight | gewicht |
Weight of the product (unit is set in general settings) |
configuration editor = Shop settings - Shop configuration - Configuration - “View and edit control constants of this shop” - Configuration editor
Term | Term (german) | Explanation |
data source | data_source |
Attribute data source |
group | group |
Attribute group |
label | label |
Attribute label |
localized | localized |
Attribute language dependent (bool) |
module | module |
Attribute module |
position | position |
Attribute Position in sequence |
property definition id | merkmal_definition_id |
Attribute definition ID |
property type | property_type |
Attribute Type |
reference label | reference_label |
Attribute Reference Label |
user security | kampagne |
Attribute available for customer? (none, read, write) |
value label | value_label |
Attribute value label |
value type | value_type |
Attribute value type (bool, string, double, datetime) |
Term | Term (german) | Explanation |
betrag |
campaign | kampagne |
The campaign to which the voucher can be assigned |
category id | kategorie_nr |
If this string is != “, this voucher is valid for the category with this category no. (otherwise = voucher for an order) |
code source | code_source |
Place of origin of the voucher, mostly local, could also be an external voucher provider |
comment | bemerkungen |
Optional comment text for a voucher - especially useful after redemption |
extra field name | spezialfeld_name |
If this string is != “ , then this coupon is restricted on the article after this field |
extra field value | spezialfeld_wert |
If this string is != “ , then this coupon is checked on the product additional field $this→spezialfeld (special field) for this value. |
is credit | typ |
enum promotion/credit note, VAT relevant |
is percent | ist_prozent |
1 |
order id | bestellungs_id |
If a voucher (code) has been redeemed, the linked order(_id) is displayed here. |
partially redeemed suffix | suffix_teileinloesung |
Suffix that is appended to the coupon code when a partial redemption occurs. |
product id | artikel_nr |
If this string is != “, then this coupon is valid for the product with this product no. (otherwise = coupon for an order) |
rebate id | rabatt_id |
Any ID to identify the discount. The ID is the unique element in the order export, by default = ‘gutschein’ (=coupon). |
redeemed | eingeloest_am |
When was this voucher (code) redeemed? (Date format: US) |
valid until | gueltig_bis |
Until when is this voucher (code) valid? (Date format: US) |
vat correction | mwst_korrektur |
Only possible for vouchers with fixed amount (for total amount) flag, whether a VAT correction should be made (depends on the type). This is not desired if credits are used for payment. |
voucher code | code |
Contains the 12-digit voucher code (Alphabet: 0..9 except: ‘000000000000’) |
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