Caller Navigator Bildimport
Generation of standardised image material by the shop
In these variants, the external system only supplies the large image to the shop. The shop harmonises the large images to a uniform size and generates the small views.
Standard process: Article number as product image File name
In the standard process, the file name of the product image corresponds to the article number. The assignment of the image material to the article is automated by the shop. The columns ‘Large image large’ and “Image small” columns are not supplied by the ERP in the article import.
import of the articles (set_artikel_inp.csv)
upload the article images via FTP/SFTP or SCP to the shop folder /shop/resources/product_images_upload/
- File name main image: artikelnummer.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name of additional image 1: artikelnummer_1.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name additional image 2: article_number_2.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name additional image n: article_n.jpg (or .png/.gif)
call up the URL: http://{shop_url}/shop/Admin/shop_image_clean.php?do=assign
The original images remain unchanged in the product_images_upload folder. This allows the incremental delivery and updating of product images, e.g. via rsync or incremental FTP. FTP. A small and large view of each image is created in a standardised dimension in the /shop/ProductsImages/ folder. in a standardised dimension.
Variant: Any file name for product image
It is possible to assign any name to product images. The assignment of the product images to the articles takes place in the two import columns ‘Large image’ and ‘Small image’ in the article import (set_article_inp.csv/set_article_incremental.csv).
upload the product images via FTP/SFTP or SCP to the shop folder /shop/resources/product_images_upload/
- File name main image: bildname.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name of additional image 1: bildname_1.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name additional image 2: image_name_2.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name additional image n: image_name_n.jpg (or .png/.gif)
import of the articles (set_article_inp.csv)
Content column ‘Large image’ image_name_gr.jpg (or .png/.gif)
Content column ‘Small image’ image_name_kl.jpg (or .png/.gif)
The original images remain unchanged in the product_images_upload folder. This allows the incremental delivery and updating of product images, e.g. via rsync or incremental FTP. A small and large view of each image is created in a standardised dimension in the /shop/ProductsImages/ folder.
Standardised image material is supplied
If the image material is already available in standardised form (including thumbnails) on the external system, the image files are system, the image files are delivered directly to the product image directory.
Item number as product image File name
- import the articles (set_artikel_inp.csv)
- upload the article images via FTP/SFTP or SCP to the shop folder /shop/ProductsPictures/
- File name main image: artikelnummer_gr.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name of additional image 1: articelnummer_gr_1.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name additional image n: artikelnummer_gr_n.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name small image: artikelnummer_kl.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name small image additional image 1: artikelnummer_kl_1.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name small picture additional picture n: artikelnummer_kl_n.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- call up the URL: http://{shop_url}/shop/Admin/shop_image_clean.php?do=assign
Any file name for product image
- upload the product images via FTP/SFTP or SCP to the shop folder /shop/ProductsPictures/
- File name main image: bildname_gr.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name of additional image 1: bildname_gr_1.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name additional image n: bildname_gr_n.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name small image: bildname_kl.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name small image additional image 1: bildname_kl_1.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- File name small picture additional picture n: bildname_kl_n.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- import the articles (set_artikel_inp.csv)
- Content column ‘Large image’ image_name_gr.jpg (or .png/.gif)
- Content column ‘Small image’ image_name_kl.jpg (or .png/.gif)
3. important general information
- Images with different file extensions (jpg/gif/png) cannot be used for the same article. can be used for the same article.
- Permitted characters for the file names are: a-zA-Z0-9_
- HTTP links to external images can also be specified in the article import. In this case, no files need to be transferred. However, this procedure is not always ideal, as the performance and functionality of the shop depends on external systems.
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- We are also happy to help you by e-mail or telephone (CHF 195./h) or +41 71 923 08 58