Article Reviews



This module allows shop customers to rate products. A comparable rating and a comment are given. Depending on the configuration, the rating of products is allowed before or after the purchase of a product. You can use your own graphics for the ratings and thus adapt the display to your own corporate design.

This module is optionally available for the PepperShop and must be purchased separately.


After installation, you will find the module in the shop administration under Modules -> Product reviews.

Abbildung 1: Moduladministration

Activation: Here you can activate or deactivate the option to rate items.

Only users who have purchased the item may rate: Define whether ratings may only be given if the customer has also bought the item.

Valuation period in days after purchase: How many days after purchase can an item still be rated? This setting is only effective if “Only users who have bought the item may rate” is activated.

Name to display for responses: Which name should be displayed when you reply to the rating?

Notify customer upon response: Should the customer be notified when a reply is submitted?

Be notified when a rating is submitted: Should you be notified when a review is submitted?

Send reminder: Should a reminder be sent? The “Notification” module is required for this

Send reminder after (in days): After how many days should this reminder be sent?

Button “Manage ratings”: This button takes you directly to Marketing -> Article Ratings. Here you can view all ratings.

Customer page

We are now looking at a valuation run on the customer side. At least one item was purchased by a customer in the shop. This can now be evaluated after the purchase.

The number of open (still pending) reviews and the reviews already submitted are displayed in the customer account of the shop customer. This means that only recurring customers can give ratings, i.e. only those customers who have assigned themselves a login and password.

Abbildung 3: Der Kunde bewertet einen Artikel des Shops

Abbildung 4: Kundenaccount mit einer offenen Bewertung

Abbildung 5: Die soeben abgegebene Bewertung wird ins Shopsystem übernommen

The customer can now enter a rating under Open ratings. The feedback given is taken over in the shop, the customer sees a feedback display:

Abbildung 6: Artikel mit Anzeige von Kundenbewertungen (PepperShop v.3 Design)

Now the article has received a rating. Depending on the configuration (see corresponding chapter), the rating given for the article is now displayed.

Administration of articles with ratings

The shop operator can have a limited influence on the ratings of his articles. This is very important so that negative or incorrect ratings are not maliciously displayed in the shop.

In the shop administration click on ‘Article’ > ‘Edit article’ and select the desired article. Here you can see by means of a box that the displayed article has received one or more ratings.

Abbildung 8: Bearbeitung eines bestehenden Artikels mit Bewertungen

Article ratings evaluation

You can find the overview of ratings in the shop administration under Marketing -> Mange rating. All ratings are displayed here. The shop owner can write and publish responses here. Ratings can also be deleted or deactivated. With the button “Calculate average” you can calculate the average ratings. This is important, especially after you have deleted a rating.

Abbildung 10: Auswertungsmaske der Artikelbewertungen


System requirements

A PepperShop v.3.0 Standard or Professional is required to use the item rating module.

Copying and uploading files

The module essentially consists of seven files that you have to copy into your installed PepperShop. To do this, first unpack the ZIP archive supplied. It contains the following module files, shown here with the target directories:


The files can easily be uploaded to the web server via FTP or SCP. The placeholder {shopdir} stands for the shop directory on the web server where the file index.php can be found together with the file README.txt.

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